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âœNew Skills Agenda Steel: Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy - ESSA" e âœDissemination of results of the European projects dealing with reuse and recycling of by-products in the steel sector - REUSteel"

  • Position collaborazione coordinata e continuativa
  • Id call 2751
  • Proponent Valentina Colla
  • State archivio
  • Subject Istituto TeCIP
  • Number of positions 1
  • Lenght 12 months
  • Call notice date 09.09.2020
  • Deadline for application submission 23.09.2020
  • Data pubblicazione graduatoria 24.09.2020 - 10:49
Istituto TeCIP - Avviso per conferimento N 1 incarico, 12 mesi per attivita' di supporto alla ricerca nell'ambito dei progetti finanziati dell'Unione Europea dal titolo: "New Skills Agenda Steel: Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy" (Ref. ESSA) e "Dissemination of results of the European projects dealing with reuse and recycling of by-products in the steel sector" (Ref. REUSteel).